日本(にっぽん)ではいろいろな苗字(みょうじ)がありますが、一番(いちばん)多(おお)い苗字(みょうじ)は「佐藤(さとう)」2番目(ばんめ)が「鈴木(すずき)」3番目(ばんめ)が「高橋(たかはし)」です。 Nippon de wa iroirona myōji ga arimasu ga, ichiban ōi myōji wa" Satō" 2 banme ga" Suzuki" 3 banme ga" Takahashi" desu. In Japan, there are many different last names, the most common being "Sato," the second most common being "Suzuki," and the third most common being "Takahashi. sign up for the J...