
Question about Japan

What do you call the restaurant that serves sushi not belt? If you know the answer, tell us. #JapaneseOnline

See you at Japan Fair 2017 will have a booth at Japan Fair at Meydenbauer Convention Center in Bellevue, Washington on July 8 and 9. That is one week from today. Please do come and see us.


Words:全力(Zenryoku) Meaning:All one’s power ─ How to use ─ Japanese:私は全力です (Watashi ha zenryoku desu.) Meaning:I do it with every effort...

元気 Genki

Meaning: Fine, Cheerful -How to use- Japanese: 私は元気です。 Ro-maji: Watashi ha genki desu. English: I'm fine. Sorry, your browser does not support this audio embed, please upgrade to a more modern browser and try again. Sorry, your browser does not support this audio embed, please upgrade to a more modern browser and try again....

No Soliciting Please!

Please do not submit your sales pitch using our contact form. is not a place do your sales. Unless you want to donate your time to improve , your submission will be discarded.

Try to eat Japanese Bento

Bento is a Japanese-style packed lunch.(弁当(べんとう)は日本の昼食のスタイルの一つです。) I think that bento is really popular with Japanese businessmen who want to save money and have lunch early. (弁当は特にお金を節約したいとか、早くお昼をすませたい日本のビジネスマンに人気があります。) Also you can buy a bento in convenience stores where so many bentos are sold. (コンビニエンスストアには、たくさんの種類の弁当が売られており、そこで買うことができます。)...

Minatomirai is beautiful

There are Germany's beer, sausage and potato. (ドイツのビール、ソーセージやポテトがありました。)...

Honne and Tatemae

Honne are our honest thoughts and feelings and tatemae is what we are supposed to say in any given situation. (本音(ほんね)は、人が正直に思ったり感じたりしていること、建前(たてまえ)は、たとえ思っていたことでも、言わないほうがいいと思われることをいいます。) Japanese people often avoid saying their honest feelings in order to keep harmony in their communities and society as a while. (日本人は、しばし共同体や社会の調和を保つために、本心をいうことをさける傾向があります。) However, this culture causes misundersta...

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