Hi guys. (こんにちは、みなさん) We started to upload a video to YouTube. (私たちは、YouTubeで動画を配信しはじめました。) First video is about introducing members who are running japanese-online.com. (最初の動画は、JOL(japanese-online) を運営しているメンバーたちの自己紹介です。) If you like this video, please subscribe this account. (もしこの動画を気にいったら、ぜひこのアカウントを登録してください。) Also, If you have any questions and requests, please don't hesitate to give your commen...
We often use train in Japan. (日本では電車がよく使われます。) It is different from America, we use everyday. (アメリカと違い電車に毎日乗ります。) If we pay money, we can sit good seats. (日本ではお金を払うといい席に座ることができます。) We don't have to stand in many people. (人が多い中立つ必要はありません。) This picture, I paid 300yen. I got on 15 minites. It is very comfortable. (この写真は+300円で乗りました。15分の旅でしたが、とても快適です。) When you are tired, you can use. (疲れてる時にたまに使うのはいい...
Vending machines are setting in American school or workplace. (自動販売機はアメリカの職場や学校に設置されています。) But they aren’t on places like that streets or stations in there. (だけど、アメリカの道路や駅のようなところには自動販売機はありません。) In Japan, we have so many vending machines anywhere. (日本はどこにでも自動販売機があります。) The number of vending machines in Japan is over 5 million! (日本の自動販売機の数は500万台以上あります!) So if you wanna drink something, you can buy f...
Most of my friends graduated from their university today and it makes me really sad and I'm gonna miss them. (私の友達の多くが、今日大学を卒業しました。それは、とても悲しく、彼らと会えなくなるのは寂しいです。) In the graduation ceremony I bring back my precious memories I spent in the college life with them.(卒業式では、私が彼らと過ごした貴重な大学生活の記憶がよみがえりました。) Anyway, I want to thank them for giving me such amazing memories. (ともかく、最高の思い出をありがとう。) I'm looking for...
We took a videos for Youtube today. We rented a meeting room near Shinjyuku station. (今日はYoutubeのためのビデオを撮りました。新宿駅の近くの会議室を借りました。) It was tough to take video because of this is the first time for us. (初めてだったのでビデオを撮るのは大変でした。) Please look forward to see our video. It is almost ready. (見るのを楽しみにしていてください。ほぼ準備はできています。)...
Probably, I think you guys also exchange your business card with other business persons.(おそらくみなさんも他のビジネスマンと名刺交換はすると思います。) But you don't bow to them while exchanging business cards, right? (ですが、名刺を交換している間、お辞儀はしませんよね?) Actually, Japanese business persons are bowing at that time. (実は、その時日本のビジネスマンはお辞儀します。) I think the reason is that business persons respect them. It's kind of weird culture in Japan......
The traditional Japanese breakfast is rice, one or two easily prepared dishes, miso soup and pickles.(従来の日本の朝食は、ご飯と1~2種類の簡単なおかずと、みそ汁や漬物です。) However, today there are increasing people especially working people who have simpler Western-style breakfast such as toast and coffee. (しかしながら、最近では、より簡単なトーストとコーヒーといった洋風の朝食を取る人が、特に働いている人の間で増えています。) By the way, I always have rice and natto that is made of soy b...
3-day holiday in Japan now from 18th to 20th. (日本は18日から20日まで3連休です。) This picture is at Omotesando. (この写真は表参道です。) We wanted to take a rest at cafeteria, but it was impossible. (私たちはカフェで休みたかったけど無理でした。) There were many people and make line everywhere. (人が多すぎて、どこも人が並んでいました。) That's though to look for place where we can sit. Everyone enjoys each of holidays. (座る場所を見つけるのが大変でした。みんなそれぞれの休日を楽しんでます。) Omotes...
Have you ever seen such a picture in Japan? It always happens in morning and night on every weekday. Most of them are going to their offices and schools. In Japan, Transportation are developing, so everyone use them. Trains are always late in morning because many persons are riding on them. If you don’t want to make experience like it, you should live in near your office. #JapaneseCulture #AboutJa...
Shibuya crossing is the world's busiest pedestrian crossing and also a popular place that makes the most traveler's list of top recommendations. Thousands of pedestrian all cross at same time from five directions ( Up to 3,000 people use the crossing per green cycle.) Why is the crossing so busy?....... Shibuya is one of the major shopping districts in Tokyo and so many people are walking between ...