
Japanese Soba

Today, I ate Soba which is a kind of noodle in Tokyo. (今日は東京で麺の一種であるそばを食べました。) Soba is not ramen, but that taste is also good because it's chewy and tasty. And we usually eat it with Wasabi, so it's kind of spicy. (そばはラーメンではないですが、そばも歯ごたえがあって味わい深く美味しいです。) When I went to there, foreign people also ordered it, so I think it's a famous food among them. If you don't know it, you should try Soba in Japa...

How are honorifics used?

One of the most confusing things about honorifics is that the choice of respectful or humble terms depends on the person you are talking about. (敬語について最も混乱しやすいのが、尊敬語(そんけいご)を使うのか、謙譲語(けんじょうご)を使うかが、話す相手によってかわるということです。) For instance, when Japanese people talk with others about family members or people at their companies, they should use humble words. (例えば、自分の家族や会社の人間について外部の人と話すときは謙譲語表現を使います。) If you w...

Tokyo Disneyland in spring!

東京ディズニーランドは日本で有名な観光スポットです。 (Tokyo Disneyland is famous sightseeing spot in Japan.) 春は暖かいのでたくさんの人が来ます。 (There are many people in it because spring is warm.) 写真はパレードの写真とシンデレラ城の写真です。 (Pictures are parade and Cinderella Castle.) シンデレラ城では面白いことが起きます。 (Interesting going on in front of Cinderella Castle.) 若い女の子がシンデレラ城の前で寝っ転がり写真を撮ります。 (Young women are lying and taking pictures in front of Cinderella Castle...

Cheap Japanese ramen

Today I went to Japanese ramen restaurant. (今日は日本のラーメン屋さんに行きました。) Of course, I went to ramen restaurant in America. But these are very expensive ramen. It's around $15... (もちろん、アメリカのラーメン屋さんに行きました。でもとても高いです。約$15ドルぐらいです・・・) In Japan, we can eat Japanese ramen at around $7! So you should go to eat Japanese ramen restaurant, when you come. (日本では、約$7ドルで日本のラーメンを食べることができます。だから日本に来た時、日本のラーメン屋さんに行くべきです。)...

Spring has come in Japan.

Today I went to Nakameguro to see so many cherry blossoms. (今日、私はサクラを見るために、中目黒(なかめぐろ)にいきました。) There are so many cherry blossom's spot in Japan like Shinjuku Gyoen and Showa Memorial Park.(日本には、新宿御苑や昭和記念公園といったように、サクラをみれる場所がたくさんあります。) I think the best place is Meguro River and there are approximately 800 cherry trees line along with Meguro River for several hundred meters. (私が思うに、一番のスポットは、目黒川です。数百メー...

There are many freshmans at univercity!

There are many people at univercity entrance. (大学の入口にたくさんの人がいます。) We see this situation every spring at univercity. (毎年春にこの光景を見ます。) Can you imagine what it is? (なんでだと思いますか?) The answer is welcome party. (答えは歓迎会です。) Senior students hold welcome party for freshman. (上級生が新入生のために歓迎会を開きます。) Because they want to take new member to their club. (なぜなら彼らはクラブに新しいメンバーが欲しいからです。) Welcome party hold everyday and...

Convenience store

We often use Japanese convenience store.(私たちはよく日本のコンビニエンスストアを利用します。) In there, they have many things. For example, drinks, foods, magazines and commodities... (例えば、食べ物や飲み物、雑誌や日用品など、そこでは多くのものが売っています。) And Japanese convenience store has pretty unique point. (それと日本のコンビニエンスストアはとっても独特な点があります。) They are opening 24/7! So we can buy anything and anytime in there. (彼らは24時間営業なんです!だから私たちはいつの時間でもなんでもコンビニエンススト...


One of the most popular pastime for Japanese people is to go and stay in Japanese ryokan which has a natural hot spring or an onsen.(日本人が最も好きな余暇の過ごし方は、温泉のある旅館に行くことです。) Onsen with open-air baths called rotenburo have become popular among people of all ages. (外にある温泉は露天風呂といわれ、全ての世代の人たちに愛されてます。) The best hot spring place in Japan I really like is Hakone. Hakone is located in Kanagawa Prefecture and it...

Tempura in Japan

This picture is tempura which is famous traditional food in Japan. (この写真は日本の有名な伝統的な料理天ぷらです。) This tempura is included shrimp, egg, sweet potato, seaweed and green pepper. (この天ぷらにはエビ、卵、さつまいも、のり、ししとうが含まれています。) It costs 1,000yen. Do you think whether it is expensive or not? (値段は1000円ほどです。あなたは高いと思いますか?) I love tempura and often eat. If you have never eaten, you should eat. (私は天ぷらが大好きで、よく食べます。もし食べたことがな...

Japanese people really like Starbucks drinks

Today I went to Japanese Starbucks for meeting my friend. (今日私は友達と会うために日本のスターバックスに行きました。) Then I tried to take a seat, but there were already full and some people are waiting for opening seats. (そこで私は席を取ろうとしましたが、そこはすでに満席で、何人か席が空くのを待っていました。) Do you think weird for it? (あなたはこれが変だと感じますか?) This is a normal scene in Japan. (日本ではこれが普通の風景です。) Japanese people, especially women, really like Starbucks drink...

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