
Different Kind of Ramen

Everybody likes Ramen. But have you ever had Tomato based soup Ramen? It is very much like Italian spaghetti in the soup. When you have a chance, you must try this one.

3-11-2011 6 Years After

Those are the messages we posted all our website 6 years ago. Please take a moment with us to remember those who lost their lives 6 years ago as a result of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan. Thank you.

Depachika デパ地下

DepaChika means "Departmentstore" + "Chika Underground". It is the basement floor of department stores. In japan, Depachika is dedicated to selling food items. If you get there after 6:00pm, many of the items are discounted 30 ~ 50%.

Japanese Breakfast at Sukiya

For less than $4.00, you can have great Japanese breakfast at many of the fast food restaurants in Japan. As you can see, there is nothing in this menu that is more than 410 yen. Of cause you can spend $20 ~ $50 at the hotel to have buffet breakfast, but it is fun to go to those fast food restaurant? You pick the item you want, you usually buy a ticket as you enter the restaurant. No tipping.

Japan Fair 2017 in Bellevue, Washington

Uchikura & Co just reserved 10 booths at Japan Fair 2017. If everything works out, there will be 15,000 to 20,000 people attending on July 8, 9 this year. As a part of Uchikura & Co. we are planning to have at least one booth dedicated to ... May be we can do some Japanese costume contest. If you have great idea for this event, please let us know. http://www.japanfairus...

Japan Fair 2017 in Bellevue, Washington

Uchikura & Co will have 10 booths at Japan Fair in Bellevue, Washington. We will de dedicating one booth to Japan Fair 2017 ... July 8 and 9, 2017 at Maydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington.


One of the things you must try is donburi in Japan. There are many kinds of donburus, but if you like fresh sushi or sushi, you must try this one. This is one of my favorite donburi shop in Tokyo. Please comment at

SOKUJI ... Free for a limited time.

Sokuji is a browser that gives an instant point-to-translate lookup of individual Japanese words. No fumbling to select text, no switching apps to try to lookup a word, instant pop-up translations in the browser as you read. To get better at japanese you need to read in the language as much as possible, this tool will help you read on mobile (in your commute for example) link to our app https://ap...

Healthy Bento おべんとう

Like other countries, Japanese are more health cautious. I found this 400KCal Obento in Japan. This is very good meal for just 400KCal. Health in Japanese is "Kenko" 健康(けんこう) Healthy Obento is "Kenkou Na Obento" Comment at

Eki-Ben 駅弁(えきべん)

Eki-Ben (Eki = Station Ben = Bento) is a type of Obento that is sold at train stations. Depending on where you are, there are special Obentos associated that area. It is fun to check out what kind of Eki-Ben there is in each area. Japanese-Online Blog ->

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