〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 見る(Miru) Meaning: See ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 東京タワーを見たいです。(Tokyo tawā wo mitai desu.) Meaning: I want to see Tokyo tower....
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 見る(Miru) Meaning: See ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 東京タワーを見たいです。(Tokyo tawā wo mitai desu.) Meaning: I want to see Tokyo tower....
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 参加する(Sanka suru) Meaning: Join ─ How to use ─ Japanese: そのイベントに参加したいです。(Sono ibento ni sanka sitai desu) Meaning: I want to join the event....
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 行く(Iku) Meaning: Go ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 原宿駅に行きたいです(Harazyuku Eki ni Ikitai desu) Meaning: I want to go to Harazyuku Station....
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 試す(Tamesu) Meaning:Try ─ How to use ─ Japanese: VRを試したいです。(VR wo tamesitai desu) Meaning:I want to try the VR....
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 写真を撮る(Shashin wo toru) Meaning: Take a photo ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 写真を撮りたいです。(Shashin wo toritai desu) Meaning: I want to take a picture....
Today's topic is Hiragana. Hiragana is the basic Japanese phonetic alphabet. Let's learn how to read, write and pronounce Hiragana. If you like this video, please subscribe this account Japanese-Online YouTube. Also, If you have any questions and requests, please don't hesitate to give your comments and contact us.
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 予約する(Yoyaku suru) Meaning:Reserve ─ How to use ─ Japanese: ホテルを予約したいです。(Hoteru wo yoyaku sitai desu) Meaning:I want to reserve the hotel....
これはたのしですね。 KOREWA TANOSHII DESUNE. This is fun. Tokyo Gifathon from James Curran on Vimeo....
〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words: お手洗い(Otearai) Meaning:Bathroom(Restroom) ─ How to use ─ Japanese: お手洗いはどこですか?(Otearai ha doko desuka?) Meaning:Where is the bathroom?...
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