予約する(Yoyaku suru)
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 予約する(Yoyaku suru) Meaning:Reserve ─ How to use ─ Japanese: ホテルを予約したいです。(Hoteru wo yoyaku sitai desu) Meaning:I want to reserve the hotel....
〰がしたいです。 = I want to 〰 Words: 予約する(Yoyaku suru) Meaning:Reserve ─ How to use ─ Japanese: ホテルを予約したいです。(Hoteru wo yoyaku sitai desu) Meaning:I want to reserve the hotel....
これはたのしですね。 KOREWA TANOSHII DESUNE. This is fun. Tokyo Gifathon from James Curran on Vimeo....
〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words: お手洗い(Otearai) Meaning:Bathroom(Restroom) ─ How to use ─ Japanese: お手洗いはどこですか?(Otearai ha doko desuka?) Meaning:Where is the bathroom?...
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〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words:病院(Byouinn) Meaning: Hospital ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 近くに病院はありますか?(Chikaku ni byouinn ha arimasuka?) Meaning: Is there any hospitals around here?...
〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words:薬局(Yakkyoku) Meaning:Pharmacy ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 近くに薬局はありますか?(Chikaku ni yakkyoku ha arimasuka?) Meaning:Is there a pharmacy around here?...
〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words:両替所(Ryougaejo) Meaning: Exchange counter ─ How to use ─ Japanese:近くに両替所はありますか?(Chikaku ni ryougaejo ha arimasuka?) Meaning:Is there an exchange counter around here?...
We are at Japan Fair 2017. http://www.japanfairus.org
〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words:コンビニ(Konbini) Meaning: Convinicenec store ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 近くにコンビニはありますか?(Chikaku ni konbini ha arimasuka?) Meaning: Is there a convinience store around here?...
〰はどこですか? = Whre is 〰 Words:バス停(Basutei) Meaning:Bus Stop ─ How to use ─ Japanese:バス停はどこですか?(Basu tei ha doko desuka?) Meaning:Where is the bus stop?...