

We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: お会計(Okaikei) Meaning: Check ─ How to use ─ Japanese: お会計をお願いします。(Okaikei wo onegaishimasu.) Meaning: Check please....


We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: 持ち帰り(Motikaeri) Meaning: Take out ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 持ち帰りでお願いします。(Motikaeri de onegaishimasu.) Meaning: Take out please....


We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: おすすめ(Osusume) Meaning: Recommendation ─ How to use ─ Japanese: あなたのおすすめはなんですか? (Anata no osusume ha nanndesuka?) Meaning: What's your recommendation?...

美味しい (Oishii)

We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: 美味しい(Oishii) Meaning: Delicious ─ How to use ─ Japanese: この料理は美味しいです。(Kono ryouri ha oishii desu.) Meaning: This dish is delicious....

Japanese Question

Why do we say "akawain" for "red wine", but "akai kuruma" for "red car" instead of "aka kuruma"? thank you! This is a great question. Thank you, Paul. Akawain is not stating the state of wine. It is all by it self an noun. You can say Akai Wain, they this Akai is an adjective stating the wine is red. Most other things such as cars, house, shoes and so one, you use Akai _______. If you have questio...

お酒 (Osake)

We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: お酒 (Osake) Meaning: Alcohol drink ─ How to use ─ Japanese: お酒はありますか? (Osake ha arimasuka?) Meaning: Do you have any alcohol drink?...


We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: すみません(Sumimasen) Meaning: Excuse me....


We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: 貴重品(Kichou-hin) Meaning: Valuables ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 貴重品を預かってもらえますか?(Kichou-hin wo azukatte morae masuka?) Meaning: Could I deposit valuables here?...


We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: エアコン(Eakon) Meaning: Air conditioner ─ How to use ─ Japanese: エアコンの調子がよくないです(Eakon no choushi ga yoku nai desu.) Meaning: The air conditioner doesn't work well....


We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel. Today's word and phrase is the following. Words: タクシー(Takushii) Meaning: Taxi ─ How to use ─ Japanese: タクシーをよんでください。(Takushii wo yonde kudasai.) Meaning: Please call a taxi....

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