
What is "KY"?

In Japanese lingo, it is "reading the air" (空気を読む)and for every person deemed to be lacking in such skill, the term "KY" ("cannot read the air, "Kuki Yomenai," 空気読めない) is ruthlessly (albeit sometimes jokingly) applied.




When you come home (back) ... people say 「おかえりなさい」(Okaerinasai). Okaerinasai (おかえりなさい) is a Japanese greeting on returning home. 帰る(Kaeru) means returning home. The same "Kaeru" also mean カエル(flog). At 伊勢 (Ise) there are many flog figures near the beach. This is to hope people to come home safely from the fishing....

New Japanese-Online ... List of Japanese Food

Japanese Foods Here ares some of the Japanese food you should try when you visit Japan. There are much more local and traditional Jaopanese foods which you need to discover yourself. > Nattō 納豆 Nattō is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Some eat it as a breakfast food. It is served with soy sauce, karashi mustard and Japanese bunching on...

The language section is complete ... we re starting to wrk on the culture section. There will be a lot of information. If you would like to know something specific about the Japanese language and culture, please let us know.

I want to go --------.

---------- に行きたいです。(いきたいです) ---------- Ni Ikitaidesu. 東京 オリンピックに 行きたいです。 とうきょう おりんぴっくに いきたいです。 Tokyo Olympic Ni Ikitaidesu. Question 東京 オリンピックに 行きたいですか。 とうきょう おりんぴっくに いきたいですか。 Tokyo Olympic Ni Ikitaidesu Ka. By adding か, at the end, you can make it into a question. We are rebuilding ......

Frozen Gyoza

I love Gyoza ... I can eat a half of this plate ... How do you order Gyoza? 餃子 を 2皿 ください ぎょうざ を ふたさら ください Give me two plates of Gyoza I am working on rebuilding and upgrading

Made in Japan

My next newsletter is about MADE IN JAPAN. Please subscribe at

Japanese-Online Site Rebuild Update

I am back into redeveloping the site. It stopped for few days because I had a very important guest from Japan. Japanese-Online サイト再開発を再開 日本からのお客様で開発をストップしていた のサイト再開発を再開しました。今は、現在のサイトのレッスン部分の作り直しをしています。一番手間がかかる部分です。頑張っていますのでもうしばらくお待ち下さい。...

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