
Spicy Ramen

Mouko Tanmen Nakamoto

Ezell's Chiken

Our company lunch today was Local favorite ... Ezell's Chicken. They are so good. I wanted to bring this food to Japan ... But I do not know anything about food business. Can someone help???

Sake 酒

Sake (Japanese: 酒, [sake]), also spelled sake, also referred to as a Japanese rice wine, is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran. There are Special-designation and they are; Junmai Daiginjō-shu (純米大吟醸酒, Pure rice, Very Special brew) Daiginjō-shu (大吟醸酒, Very Special brew) Junmai Ginjō-shu (純米吟醸酒, Pure rice, Specia...

Jeans and T-Shirt

Jaoan is not Jeans and T-Shirt country. People (in business) are expected to wear ... well, business attires.

Japanese Curry

I cooked Japanese curry using pressure cooker. I put everything (meat, vegetables, brown rice and curry blocks) in one pot and have it cooed fir 16 minutes. It turned out great.

日暮里 Nippori ... Fabric Town

New distention for visitors. Nippori is famous for fabric distribution.

Japanese Diet

I just watched "Miso Hungry" on Amazon Prime video. It was interring. May be it is time for me to go back to Japan. Misi Hungry Trailer


Nabe is a Japanese word for a pot. But if you use the same word for food, it refers to hot pot like you see here. If you are in Japan in the winter, make sure you look for NABE restaurants. This was at NABE-ZO ... one of my favorite NABE restaurants in Japan.

Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissaten) Spaghetti

喫茶店のスパゲティ I wanted to eat Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissaten) Spaghetti today. So, I made it. It is a ketchup based spaghetti. I have a craving for it sometime. I will have salad with it ... If you think I need to eat some vegetable....

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