

さよなら Sayonara Good Bye ... sayonara. The word sayonara means "goodbye" or "farewell." ... It's a Japanese word that has been a popular informal word in English since the late 1800s. It literally means "if it is to be that way," combining sayo, "that way," and nara, "if."...

もったいない  mottainai

もったいない Mottainai is a Japanese term conveying a sense of regret concerning waste. The expression "Mottainai!" can be uttered alone as an exclamation when something useful, such as food or time, is wasted, meaning roughly "what a waste!"...

おなかいっぱい  Onaka Ippai

おなか = Onaka = Stomach いっぱい = Ippai = Full I am full. おなかいっぱい おなか が いっぱい おなか が いっぱい です。...

おしえて  oshiete

おしえて "Oshiete" menas "Teach Me!" _______ おしえて 勉強(べんきょう)おしえて  Please tech me to study....

じゃあ  Jaa (Jyaa)

じゃあ Although you probably know さようなら (sayounara) is “goodbye,” it has a very strong sense of finality, almost like you may not see that person again. So it’s often better to say じゃまた. Other variations are じゃね (ja ne: “see you”), バイバイ (baibai: “bye-bye”), and お元気で (o-genki de: “take care”). Source:

いくらですか  ikuradesuka

いくらですか ikuradesuka is phrase you use to ask for pricing. これは(Korewa)いくらですか。How much is this? あれは(Arewa)いくらですか。How much is that?...

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