おりがみ Origami...
おりがみ Origami...
お弁当 おべんとう Obento Lunch Box...
缶コーヒー かんこーひー Canned Coffee 缶ビール かんびーる Canned Beer...
Bento for sale. You really need not to cook in Japan.
考えます かんがえます Kangaemasu Let me think! I will think about it!...
しんかんせん 新幹線 Shinkansen I took Shinkansen from Hakata to Shin Kobe ... little over 2 hours....
うまか〜 Umaka~ It means “Good Tasteroid” in Hakata-Ben 博多弁 In standard Japanese, you would say おいしい...
ワンタン麺 わんたんめん...
I am a business trip and it is difficult to update this blog. I promise I will do better in Japan. Here are the pictures of breakfast buffet at my hotel in Paitei.
My business trip to Jaoan has started ... my first step Taipei Taiwan.