簡単 かんたん Kantan Easy それは かんたん です(か) It is easy. or Is it easy?...
簡単 かんたん Kantan Easy それは かんたん です(か) It is easy. or Is it easy?...
節約 せつやく Setsuyaku Conserve せつやくする I conserve...
難しい むずかしい Muzukashi Being Difficult これは むずかしい です。 This is difficult....
残念 ざんねん Zannen Unfortunate, regrettable, deplorable, sad きょう あえなくて ざんねんです I am very sad that we can not meet today....
秋葉原 アキハバラ Akihabara アキバ Akiba Tokyo electronic district is called Akihabara. It is often referred as Akiba. or can be abbreviated to AKB ... Do you know AKB48?...
かぶと Kabuto Samurai Helmet The armors are called よろい Yoroi....
Jaoan Fair has started today.
Do You Like New Japanese-Online? http://www.japanese-online.com This Is just a beginning ... we are planning more upgrades including Japanese learning videos.
じょしかい 女子会 Jyoshikai We recently say or hear the word, "joshikai" 女子会. This means to gather with only women and have a party, lunch or dinner. "joshi" 女子 means female and "danshi" 男子 means male. http://ilovejapancul.blogspot.com/2012/01/joshikai-and-soushokukei.html...
ごちそう Gochisou Wonderful Food...