となり Tonari
となり Tonari Next Door You know the movie となりのトトロ My neighbor Totoro....
となり Tonari Next Door You know the movie となりのトトロ My neighbor Totoro....
おねがい Onegai ねがい Negai "Onegai" comes from the verb "negau" which literally means "to pray to (something)" or "to wish for (something)." かみさま おねがい Kamisama Onegai Pary to God...
がんばれ 頑張れ Gambare タイニー Tiny 17 year old Tiny was sick today ... I hope he fully recovers. 頑張れ タイニー...
This is what we are working on now,. Http://new.japanese-online.com Please let us know what you think? Please do not bookmark the link ... when the site is ready to go online, it will be http://www.japanese-online.com
またね Matane This means AGAIN. You use it to say "See you again"....
コンビニ コンビニエンスストア Convenience Store...
無駄 むだ Muda むだ means waist. 言っても 無駄 ・・・ It is a waste of time to say. Itemo Muda 無駄をなくす ・・・ Get rid of waste Muda o Nakusu...
かもめ Kamome Seagull...
考えます かんがえます kangaemasu 考える = Think 考えます = I will think about it....
みぎて 右手 Migi Te ひだりて 左手 Hidari Te みぎ right ひだ left て hand みぎて Right Hand Also means right hand side. ひだりて Left Hand left hand side....