Current retail tax rate is 8% throughout Japan. But as a foreigner visiting Japan, you can shop items over 5,000 yen (US$45) duty free. You need to bring your passport with Japan Entry Stamp to take advantage of this offer. What do you want to buy when you are there? Unfortunately you cannot use this duty free offer to hotels, restaurants or other services and good you consume in Japan.
Many of Japanese-Online.com users like Anime. Anima might be your biggest reason to learn Japanese language. Whatever the reason you may have, we really love to help. Let us communicate with you. Here is some examples of Animes comming in 2018.
A Different Look at Japanese Language and Culture It is a fact that learning a foreign language is very challenging. Many learners attest that Japanese is of the languages that give English speakers a hard time. There are many reasons to learn the Japanese language, personally and professionally. For one thing, Japan has the world's second largest economy. It is a gateway to other cultures and lan...
Many of you already know what Kaiten Sushi is. Kaiten 回転 means ... round in circle. But there is another word Kaiten 開店 means complete different Kaiten 開店 means Open. They pronounce the same as well....
If you have a chance to buy one thing from Japan, what would you buy? Please let me know. Popular choices are - Food Item (Tell me What) - Clothing - Toys - Tech Gear - Glasses - Camera - Movies / Bluray - Books - Electronics - Car / Motorcycle
If you have craving for American Foods in Japan ... Do not worry, there are plenty. But there are thins you need to know ... (1) Portions are smaller than you find in the US. (2) Menu is not always the same. (3) Prices might little higher in Japan. (4) Large soft-drinks in Japan are smaller than the small in the US. (5) There is no refill for your drink. Pictures: TACO BELL opened its first store ...
Those people doressed like Samura Era and play music to promote something. They are called Chinodonya. ちんどん屋 The word Chindoonya breaks in to three parts. (1) Chin ... Sound of Bell (2) Don ... Sound of Drum (3) Ya ... House/Professional Tje owrd came from the sounds they make....
What is Takoyaki? One of my favorite Japanese disk ... Fastfood.
When you go to restaurants in Japan, some of them have display what they serve using wax models. They are very well made and help you order what you want.
One of the best dishes in Japan is "Chirashi" ... If you go to places like "Ameyoko", there are several vendors who service Donburi style dhilke like the one in the pictre. There are many places serves Poke ... which is simliar to Donburi in teh US now.