Lunch at Coffee Shop
1000 yen lunch including one drink. For $9.00 ... it is great. No tipping in Japan.
1000 yen lunch including one drink. For $9.00 ... it is great. No tipping in Japan.
I just arrived in Japan. I will be reporting from Japan starting this week.
It's amazing there are so many people out at 4:33 in the morning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9pavMzUY-c
Helloween is getting popular in Japan. It is more like helloween cosutume party in Japan. Happy helloween everyone.
I found one of the most popular spots in Japan live. OR http://www.sibch.tv
Fall reason is the best season to visit Japan. I am traveling to Japan starting end of this month.
Whatt do you think of this list? I thnk some of them are right on but some are questionable. https://www.destinationtips.com/destinations/19-things-not-to-do-in-japan/
Do you like Wagyu? They are very popular in the US.
Do you think Japanese keyboards are created adding Japanese on top of English keyboards? Look again. Find @ on this keyboard. I have a hard time using this keyabord at Internet Cafe.
What anime do you like. I really enjoy this anime called Miss Hokusai. Do you know who Katsushika Hokusai is? You might want to search him on the net.