
Where is _______? in Japanese.

Your browser does not support iframes. Where is ____? _______ wa Dokodesuka. _______ はどこですか。 Deguchi でぐち Exit Toire トイレ Toilet Okaikei おかいけい Casher Ta-Minaru ターミナル Terminal Eki えき Station Basutei ばすてい Bus Stop Byouin びょういん Hospital Biyouin びよういん Beauty Parlor Kouban こうばん Police Box _______ wa Dokodesuka? can be used for item or place? Be careful using it on people. If you san Yamada wa dokodesuka?...

Maguroya まぐろや Near Osaka Station

One of the best places to eat fresh Sashimi and Sushi is located in Osaka near JR Osaka / Hankyu Umeda station. I will go there when I go back to japan next time. Will you join me?まぐろや+芝田店/@34.7063655,135.4973298,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1f5c995cb25e0f3b!8m2!3d34.7063655!4d135.4973298...

Determine what kind of leader you are!!!

Your browser does not support iframes. 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga: 「鳴かぬなら、殺してしまえ ホトトギス」 "If you don't sing for me, kill it." 豊臣秀吉 Toyotomi Hideyoshi: 「鳴かぬなら、鳴かせてみせよう ホトトギス」 "If you don't sing for me, I make you sing." 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu: 「鳴かぬなら、鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス」 "If you don't sing for me, I'll wait until you do." The three are famous medieval samurai heads. Those Senryu show what they are like. Nobunaga - S...

Japanese Traditional Toys

Do you know what this is? How do you call this in Japanese? If you do not know what it is ... here is the link.

Kansai Ben

Your browser does not support iframes. Dameda だめだ No way Akan あかん No way Arigatou ありがとう Thank you Ookini おおきに Tnhank you Ikura いくら How much? Nanbo なんぼ How much? Honto ほんとう Really? Honma ほんま Really? Makku マック McDonald's Makudo マクド McDonald's Tsukareru つかれる Tired Shindo しんど Tired Bijin びじん Beautiful Lady Beppin べっぴん Beautiful Lady...

Can you believe this ad?

話せりゃいいやん でんわやし Hanarerya Iiyan Denwa Yashi If you can talk. That should be Enough It is only a phone Back in 2003, there was an advertisement like this saying cellular phone needs to be able to work as a phone....

Visiting Home - Japanese Lesson with Voice

Konnichiwa Ojyama Itashimasu こんにちは おじゃまいたします Hello, We will bother you. Youkoso Irassyaimase ようこそ いらっしゃいませ Welcome, Welcome Goyukkuri Shitekudasai ごゆっくり してください Please relax Kyou wa Ojima Shimashita きょうはおじゃましました We bothers you today Dou Itashimashite どういたしまして You're welcome Shitsurei Itashimasu しつれいいたします Execuse us Mata Okoshi Kudasai またおこしください Please come again Your browser does not support iframe...

What is Green Car グリーン車

In Japan on Japan Rail, the first class seating trains are called GREEN CARS. They require you to purchase GREEN CAR ticket. On Shinkansen, GREEN cars has 2x2 setting where regular glass cars have 2x3 seating. If you travel to Japan and if you have JR Rail Pass ... Unless it says GREEN PASS, you are limited to seat on regular class. In addition, JR Rail Pass does not allow you to ride on NOZOMI SU...

At a Restaurant

Irassyai mase いらっしゃいませ Welcome Ohitori desuka おひとりですか Party of One Iie futari desu いいえふたりです No we are two Kochira ni Douzo こちらにどうぞ Please follow me Okimarini Nararemashitara Oyobikudasai おきまりになられたらおよびください Please call us when you decide Gocyuumon wa nanini itashimasuka ごちゅうもんはなににいたしますか What would you like to order Watashi wa hannba-gu teisyoku o onegaishimasu わたしはハンバーグていしょくをおねがいします I would like a h...

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