One of my staff came back from Japan today. She brought me back the coaster that sucks moisture and keep itself dry. It is very cool. She told me it is a hit product in Japan. I am going to Japan next Monday. Do you have anything that you want me to report on?
Click It Audio ... Cloud audio management and embed service. Sign up for free. Japanese-Online.com has been using this service. Click on the icon below to learn little more about it. http://www.clickitaudio.com Your browser does not support iframes.
One of the most beautiful things when you visit Japan is that there are many things that are new being coexisting with old things. Tokyo was burned to the ground toward the end of the World War II, but Japan rebuilt itself. But they kept a lot of old things. Amazing accomplishment.
Enjoy the views of Shinjyuku 新宿 Have a good weekend, wherever you are....
Something you should know.
I got a INVOKE intelligent digital assistant from Microsoft and human Kardon. I asked it to say something in Japanese. Here is what happened. Your browser does not support iframes.
This site is the official site for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). You can access some of the questions here. Sample questions show the form of test items on the JLPT. Sample questions are organized by level, from N1 to N5. One sample question is offered for each test item type. There may be differences from questions in the actual test booklet. http://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/forlearners....
Here ares ome useful Japanese. onamae o oshiete kudasai おなまえをおしえてください Can you tell me your name? Kore wa nihonngo de nanto iimasuka これはにほんごでなんといいますか Hiow do you say this in Japanese? doko ka oishii omise wa arimasuka どこかおいしいみせはありますか Is there a good place to eat? ikura no kippu o kaeba iidesuka いくらのきっぷをかえばいいですか How much ticket should I need to buy? appuru sutoa ni ikitai no desuga あっぷるすとあにいきたいのですが ...
Good information about traveling in Japan.
High school dance club’s ’80s get-up and fantastic choreography nets millions of views in just two days. Only in Japan. High School Web Site ---> http://www.osaka-c.ed.jp/tomioka/...