Broiled Fish Lunch さんま
Do you like fish ... most Japanese do. It is one of my favorite fish called SANMA さんま ...In English it is "Pacific Saury". You can get this lunch for about 1,000 Yen ... $10....
Do you like fish ... most Japanese do. It is one of my favorite fish called SANMA さんま ...In English it is "Pacific Saury". You can get this lunch for about 1,000 Yen ... $10....
I have read somewhere that in Japan sleeping on the job is accepted as a sign of hard work. Well, it is a fake news. Although there are pictures of politicians sleeping on the job, they are considered rude and are unacceptable. So, next time you hear that, tell them that they are wrong.
When you are in Japan and understand some Japanese, you might want to visit comedy theaters in Japan. There are many of them fro, the small place to the large theater. What you see above is called Namba Grand Kagetsu. https://www.japanhoppers.com/en/kansai/osaka/kanko/189/
Japanese beef. Do you like wagyu? 和牛...
Have you ever heard of Ainu people in Japan.
Good, Fast and Cheap ... You really need to try Japanese fast food chain of restaurants. http://www.tenya.co.jp http://www.ichibanya.co.jp/index.html https://www.yoshinoya.com http://www.sukiya.jp https://www.matsuyafoods.co.jp https://www.nakau.co.jp/jp/index.html
I was at COMPUTEX last year and I just book a ticket to go to COMPUTEX TAIWAN again this year. It will be held June 5 to 9.
Every large metropolitan cities in Japan have some districts that are for "drinking" and other adult activities for young an old. Something you might find interesting. Prostitution is illegal in Japan but you really have to understand the definition of prostitution which is illigal. Prostitution in Japan is defined as intercourse between men and woman. So, anything other than the actual intercours...
Do you like UNIQLO? If so, they have a sale. https://kiroboto.com/Seattle_WA/Posts/view/Uniqlo_Sale__Up_to_95%25_off/20180412/312
Did you know there are more dogs registered as pets than people under the age of 18? Either Japanese love dogs or they hate kids ;)