

People replaced by robots ...

End of Life

This is a powerful documentary ... You should see this if you are strong. 死 = Shi = Death 病気 = Byouki = Illness...

Do not walk and text ...

Of cause you should not be taxiing while you are driving but recently there many accidents caused by people paying attention to their smart phones instead of surroundings. This is a problem everywhere including Japan. So, don't do it. ながら歩き Nagara Aruki Naraga .... it means while you are doing something else. Arki ... it means walking おやめください Oyamekudasai Please do not ... Please do not "Nagara Ar...

Japanese Proberb

Nanakorobi Yaoki 七転び八起き If you fall seven times, just stand up 8 times. *** If you think about it, if you fall seven tomes, you need to only stand up seven times. Unless, you start you count from falling down first....

Kobe 神戸

Kobe is a port town located west of Osaka. When you have chance, you should visit this city. This city is a sister city of Seattle, Washington.

FROZEN | Let It Go in Japanese

Have you ever heard "Let It Go" in Japanese? 降り始めた雪は足跡消して 真っ白な世界に一人の私 風が心にささやくの このままじゃダメなんだと 戸惑い、傷つき 誰にも打ち明けずに 悩んでたそれももう 止めよう ありのままの姿見せるのよ ありのままの自分になるの 何も怖くない 風よ吹け 少しも寒くないわ 悩んでたことは 嘘みたいで だってもう自由よ 何でも出来る どこまでやれるか 自分を試したいの そうよ、変わるのよ私 ありのままで空へ風に乗って ありのままで飛び出してみるの 二度と涙は流さないわ 冷たく大地を包み込み 高く舞い上がる想い描いて 花咲く氷の結晶のように 輝いていたいもう決めたの これでいいの 自分を好きになって これでいいの 自分信じて 光浴びながら 歩きだそう 少しも寒くないわ...

Taxi vs White Taxi

There is no uber or lyft in Japan. They are illegal. Taxi cabs are defined by the green background license plate. If the car has white background license plate, they are not registered. I think there should be a uber type service in Japan. But they need t protect taxi industry.

花魁(Oiran) と 芸者(Geisha)

Many westerners think Geisha is a prostitute. They are not ... Geisha (芸者) geiko (芸子), or geigi (芸妓) are traditional Japanese female entertainers who act as hostesses. They dance, play music and play witty games and conversation, traditionally to entertain male customers, but also female customers today. There used to be a place called 遊郭 (Yūkaku). Yūkaku meant the regions in Japan where brothels ...

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