Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き, teppan-yaki) is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. They are made famous in the US by https://www.benihana.com This is not at Benihana but Teppan Yaki shopping Kobe. Kobe Beef....
A kōban (交番, kōban) is a small neighborhood police station found in Japan. If you encounter any problem, just run in to a kōban....
Japanese Kaiten Sushi ... Some of them only charges 100 yen per plate. http://www.kura-corpo.co.jp https://www.akindo-sushiro.co.jp https://www.kappasushi.jp
People replaced by robots ...
This is a powerful documentary ... You should see this if you are strong. 死 = Shi = Death 病気 = Byouki = Illness...
Of cause you should not be taxiing while you are driving but recently there many accidents caused by people paying attention to their smart phones instead of surroundings. This is a problem everywhere including Japan. So, don't do it. ながら歩き Nagara Aruki Naraga .... it means while you are doing something else. Arki ... it means walking おやめください Oyamekudasai Please do not ... Please do not "Nagara Ar...
Nanakorobi Yaoki 七転び八起き If you fall seven times, just stand up 8 times. *** If you think about it, if you fall seven tomes, you need to only stand up seven times. Unless, you start you count from falling down first....
Kobe is a port town located west of Osaka. When you have chance, you should visit this city. This city is a sister city of Seattle, Washington.
Osaka. One destination you should consider.