For years, sushi has been the unquestionable popularity champion of Japanese food in the US, but in recent years ramen has risen as a formidable challenger. http://us.jnto.go.jp/japanfoodbattle/
The Suica is a prepaid e-money card for moving around and shopping. There is no more need to buy a ticket from a vending machine. Just touch your Suica to the ticket gate and the fare is automatically deducted from your Suica. The Suica can be used not only for JR East trains, but subways and buses as well. http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pass/suica.html
There are many places you are asked not to talk on the phone. - Restaurant / Coffee Shop - In a bus or train - In a elevator Basically, people do not want to hear your story. If you need to talk, go somewhere there is nobody listening. It is the good rule.
Japan Fair 2018 will take place in Bellevue, Washington on July 7 to 8, 2018. It will attract more than 20,000 people around Bellevue. If you would like to exit, the cost is $500 but of you register before the end of March, you will save $150. If you are interested, please contact me or Japan Fair office. http://www.japanfairus.org
7 Years ago, Took area of japan experienced 9.0 earthquake and tsunami. It took over 18,500 lives and crippled nuclear power plants. One point we had over 400,000 evacuees. How there are still about 70,000 people living in the shelters. Recovery efforts are done but it will take years and years especially nuclear power plants. The pictures you see here are taken a week after the earthquake and las...
Japan Standard Time US Pacific Standard Time Los Angeles / Seattle
Only in Japan there are different flavors of Kit Kat. Strawberry Citrus Golden Blend Pear Shinshu Apple Edamame Soybean Purple Sweet Potato Hot Japanese Chili Cinnamon Cookie Strawberry Cheesecake Blueberry Cheesecake Matcha-Green Tea Hojicha Roasted Tea Brown Sugar Syrup Red Bean Sandwich Wasabi
As far as I know Japan I the only country where you can buy a beer like drink that has no calories, no sugar, no alcohol (0%). I really like the drink
A randoseru (ランドセル) is a firm-sided backpack made of stitched firm leather or leather-like synthetic material, most commonly used in Japan by elementary schoolchildren. Traditionally it is given to a child upon beginning his or her first year of school, whereupon the child uses the same bag until grade 6. The term is a borrowed word from the Dutch "ransel" meaning "backpack", a clue to its origins...
You only find "Square Water Melon", "White Strawberry" and $10 piece of chocolate in Japan. No, people usually do not eat them regularly, they are used mainly as gifts. When you come back from Japan, what should you bring back?