

定食 ていしょく Teisyoku Lunch Set Teisyoku is a set lunch menu. If you want a single item, you call it 単品. 単品 たんぴん Tanpin Single Item....


友達 ともだち Tomodachi Friends...

JLPT Kanji Course✎ How to read and write number kanji “一”【日本語能力試験 JLPT N5】

We have made an arrangement with company in Japan to produce and distribute Japanese learning videos. Below is another video for free. If you would like to subscribe, it is only $14 per month. Subscribe or watch many free learning videos at Lesson 2-2 for Kanji We are sharing some of our videos for free so you can begin learning Japanese today. Our next video is for...


自動販売機 じどうはんばいき Jido Hanbaiki Vending Machine 自販機 じはんき Jihanki Vending Machine...


お風呂 おふろ Ofuro Bath...


ピザ Pizza ピザは好きですか? Piza wa sukidesuka? Do you like Pizza?...


寿司 すし Sushi The most known Japanese food....

JLPT Kanji Course✎How to write kanji and declensional kana ending【日本語能力試験 JLPT N5】

We have made an arrangement with company in Japan to produce and distribute Japanese learning videos. Below is another video for free. If you would like to subscribe, it is only $14 per month. Subscribe or watch many free learning videos at Lesson 2-1 for Kanji We are sharing some of our videos for free so you can begin learning Japanese today. Our next video is for...

Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year from all of us at Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. あけまして おめでとうございます。...

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