介護犬 かいごけん
介護犬 かいごけん Kaigo Ken Service Dog...
介護犬 かいごけん Kaigo Ken Service Dog...
朝ごはん あさごはん Asa Gohan Breakfast 朝食 ちょうしょく Cyousyoku Breakfast...
コーヒーください Ko-hi-Kudasai Give me a coffee....
漫画 まんが Manga Japanese Comic...
神社 じんじゃ Jinjya Shrine ... Shino Shrine Not to confuse with お寺 Otera, Buddhist Temple....
夢 ゆめ Yume Dream...
決断 けつだん Ketsudan Decision This is usually a written form of 決める(きめる Kimeru). 決めましたか きめましたか Kimemashitaka Have you decided?...
改革 かいかく Kaikaku Kaikaku, is the Japanese term for "radical change". In business, Kaikaku is concerned with making fundamental and radical changes to a production system, unlike Kaizen which is focused on incremental changes. Both Kaizen and Kaikaku can be applied to activities other than production....
指定席 していせき Shitei Seki Reserved Seat ここはしていせきですか Koko wa Shiteiseki Desuka Is this a reserved seat? していせき <ー> じゆうせき Shitei Seki Jiyuu Seki Reserved Not Reserved or Free Seating...
デパート でぱーと Depa-to Department Store...