眼鏡 めがね Megane Eye Glasses 眼鏡屋 めがねや Meganeya Eye Glass Store...
眼鏡 めがね Megane Eye Glasses 眼鏡屋 めがねや Meganeya Eye Glass Store...
切符 きっぷ Kippu Ticket きっぷはいくらですか Kippu wa Ikura Desuka How much is the ticket?...
市場 いちば Ichiba Market ここは あめよこ です This is Ame Yoko...
ご飯 ごはん Gohan Rice ... or it may mean meal....
たこ焼き たこやき Takoyaki WiKi Takoyaki is a ball-shaped Japanese snack or appetizer made of a wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan. It is typically filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion....
蕎麦 そば Soba Buckwheat Noodle How do you count Soba ... いちまい、にまい、さんまい・・・...
弁当 べんとう Bento Lunch Box / Bento 駅弁 えきべん Eki Ben Station Bento...
We just upgraded https://www.japanese-online.com completely. We are releasing Japanese learning video as a part of new service. Please let your friend know. https://www.japanese-online.com Japanese-Online.com is a service of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
駅 えき Eki Train Station いま、えきにいます Ima, Ekini Imasu I am at the station...
お弁当 おべんとう Obento Box Meal このおべんとうはおいしいです Kono Obento wa Oishiidesu This Obento tasts good....