

最高 さいこう Saikou The Best これが さいこう Korega Saikou This is the best...


最低 さいてい Saitei The Worst それ さいてい Sore Saitei That is the worst 最高 さいこう Saikou The Best それ さいこう Sore Saikou That is the best...

JAL Japan Explorer Pass

Did you know about this? If you are traveling to Japan ... You might want to take advantage of this.


聞いて きいて Kiite Listen きいてください Kiite Kudasai Please listen きいてる。 kiite Ru I am listening / Are you listening?...


噂 うわさ Uwasa Rumor A rumor or rumour is "a tall tale of explanations of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event, or issue in public concern."...


優しい やさしい Yasashii Good /Kind / Easy あなたは やさしい です Anataha Yasashii Desu You are kind. このもんだいは やさしい です Konomondaiha Yasashii Desu This question is easy...

可愛い かわいい

可愛い かわいい Kawii Cute そのいぬはかわいい That dog is cute....


行きます いきます Ikimasu I am going. or I am Coming. 東京に行きます。 Tokyo Ni Ikimasu. I am going to Tokyo. / I am coming to Tokyo....


心配 しんぱい shinpai Worry あなたが しんぱい です Anataga shinpai desu I am worried about you...

やめて やめろ

やめて & やめろ Yamete &. Yamero Stop doing There are few words that are different between male and female. When you want someone to stop something they are doing, you say If you are female ... やめて If you are male ... やめろ If you wish to politely say this, male or female you say ... やめてください...

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