無理 むり Muri Impossible それはむり Soreha Muri That is impossible むり いわないで Muri Iwanaide Don't say such impossible thing...
無理 むり Muri Impossible それはむり Soreha Muri That is impossible むり いわないで Muri Iwanaide Don't say such impossible thing...
横 よこ Yoko Side よこ に おいで Yoko Ni Oide Please come next to me....
You should understand Japanese laws when you visit Japan.
嘘 うそ Uso Lie うそでしょ You got to kidding It must not be true It must be a lie...
ご馳走 ごちそう Gochisou Great Meal ごちそうですね。 Gochisou Desune. This is a great meal. ごちそう さま Gochsou sama Thank you for a great meal Thank you for buying the meal ごちそうします Gochisou Shimasu I am buying the meal....
空 そら Sora Sky あおい そら Air Sora Blue Sky...
お疲れさまです おつかれさまです Otsukare Sama Desu You say this to someone elder and above you in raking when you meet him/her. Direct translation is "Thank you for getting tired / working hard."...
普通 ふつう Futsuu This is a very difficult word to translate. Futsuu is somewhere between Good and Bad. Nothing special. Also mean "Usually". げんき? ふつう! How are you? Normal!...
痛い いたい Itai Pain こし が いたい です Koshi Ga Itai Desu My back is in pain. あたま が いたい です Atama Ga Itai desu I have an headache. also mean I have a problem....
大切 たいせつ Taisetsu Very Important たいせつなひと Taisetsuna Hito Very Important Person...