

無理 むり Muri Impossible それはむり Soreha Muri That is impossible むり いわないで Muri Iwanaide Don't say such impossible thing...


横 よこ Yoko Side よこ に おいで Yoko Ni Oide Please come next to me....

Japanese Law

You should understand Japanese laws when you visit Japan.


嘘 うそ Uso Lie うそでしょ You got to kidding It must not be true It must be a lie...


ご馳走 ごちそう Gochisou Great Meal ごちそうですね。 Gochisou Desune. This is a great meal. ごちそう さま Gochsou sama Thank you for a great meal Thank you for buying the meal ごちそうします Gochisou Shimasu I am buying the meal....


空 そら Sora Sky あおい そら Air Sora Blue Sky...


お疲れさまです おつかれさまです Otsukare Sama Desu You say this to someone elder and above you in raking when you meet him/her. Direct translation is "Thank you for getting tired / working hard."...


普通 ふつう Futsuu This is a very difficult word to translate. Futsuu is somewhere between Good and Bad. Nothing special. Also mean "Usually". げんき? ふつう! How are you? Normal!...


痛い いたい Itai Pain こし が いたい です Koshi Ga Itai Desu My back is in pain. あたま が いたい です Atama Ga Itai desu I have an headache. also mean I have a problem....


大切 たいせつ Taisetsu Very Important たいせつなひと Taisetsuna Hito Very Important Person...

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