朝ごはん あさごはん Asagohan Breakfast Unlimited Japanese Learning Video Viewing for Only $14/Month. https://www.japanese-online.com...
朝ごはん あさごはん Asagohan Breakfast Unlimited Japanese Learning Video Viewing for Only $14/Month. https://www.japanese-online.com...
旗 はた Hata Flag 国旗 こっき Kokki National Flag...
翼 つばさ Tsubasa Wing...
カツサンド かつさんど Katsu Sando Pork Cutlet Sandwich...
公園 こうえん Kouen Park / Play Ground...
鰻 うなぎ Unagi Eel...
At Japanese-Onine.com, you can watch and learn 100s of Japanese Video Lessons for a set amount of money. https://www.japanese-online.com
パン ぱん Pan Bread...
地下鉄 ちかてつ Chikatetsu Subway...
道 みち Michi Road, Street...