All Kiaten Sushi is not 100 Yen
There are better Kaiten Sushi in Japan. For instance, this one in Nishimoniya is great. People are lining up for lunch.
There are better Kaiten Sushi in Japan. For instance, this one in Nishimoniya is great. People are lining up for lunch.
If this does not makes you hungry for fast Japanese food, nothing will.
I used my Priority Pass to enter an airport lounge at Incheon. This was the first tome I visited this lounge. The lounge is smaller compared to others but the foods are great. If you have a change, go there.
I have not organized anything from Japan trip yet. I will update tomorrow.
What can I say. Great food in Japan.
Kobe is a historic port town with many foreigners visiting for a long time. Known for the famous Kobe Beef, this is a modern city with many hoistrtic background. Kobe is a sister city of Seattle, Washington. When you visit Japan, be sure to visit Kobe.
Really? Since there is no Uber Eats, or Door Dash in Japan ... Fast food chains are operating their own delivery service.
There used to have a special bento box at every rail station in Japan. Those are called Eki (Station) Bento ... Ekiben. Now when yiou get on a long distance rail, you can buy many Ekiben from the area at the station. This is a picture of Ekiben at Tokyo Shinkansen Station.
From Tokyo station to Sghin Osaka ... about 500km (310 miles) in 2 and half hours. It costs about $180 on the first class. I love the ride.
I had great dinner with my new friends in Shibuya.