
Japanese People are Not So Religious

Japanese people consider themselves most as Buddhist and Shinto Believer. But they are not so religious at all. They go to Cristian church in the Christmas and go to Shrines and Temples on the New Year Day. People wed in Christian Churches or Shinto Shrines to Buddhist Temples depending what they feel like. Because they do not belong to one religion, they don't have much opinion about any other re...

Relax in Japan

When I travel to Japan, I usually spend most of my time in the city like Tokyo and Osaka. But once in a while I get to travel and relax at countryside. Japanese garden and onset (hot springs) are my favorite spots. Eating traditional Japanese food is so relaxing too.

My Favorite Nabe Restaurant in Tokyo

I love 鍋ぞう Nabezou restaurant in Tokyo. One I go to is in Shijyuku Higashiguchi. For $30 - $40 ... you can eat as much of everything.

Please Register if You Teach Japanese

We will start publishing teachers online at Please register if you want to be listed. We will contact you when you register.

Going to Japan Again

I am planing to go to Japan in the middle of January. I cannot wait to eat at new restaurants and find more thing at Depachika デパ地下 and Convenience Store コンビニ....

Truck Size Difference

When you compare FedEx trucks in Japan and the US ... This represents the size difference. I thought it was funny.

Typical Japanese Car

Most popular cars in Japan are so called "One Box Car". They look like a box ... maximum space inside. People do not drive very fast in Japan. So they are not designed to go fast or quick. That may be one reason why many American cars are not sold well in Japan.

Japan Airlines 2019 Calendar

When JAL was flying from Seattle to Tokyo many years ago, JAL had an office in Seattle. They send me this beautiful calendar every year but I stopped receiving it when JAL left Seattle. Now they are coming back on March 31, 2019 ... they are opening an office again. We have visited JAL HQ in Japan ... The last JAL calendar I had is 1992. That is 26 years ago. Jul 28, 1992 was the last JAL flight o...

絵馬 Make Your Wish Come True

Ema ("picture-horse") are small wooden plaques, common to Japan, in which Shinto and Buddhist worshippers write prayers or wishes. Make sure you do not write your full name (any identifiable thing) on Ema as it is open to public. It is sometime fun to look those.

Is Halal Available in Japan

When I was growing up in Japan, I have never heard of Halal ... but recently when I go to Japan, there are many restaurants that has Halal sign in the front. I believe Halal is available in the city like Tokyo, but you may find the difficult to find in the country side.

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