
JR Tokyo Station 東京駅

This is a bird's eye view of Tokyo station. This picture was taken from Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Marunouchi. It was nit that expensive when I stayed there.

日本語ホームページ作成 Japanese Language Webpage

PSP can help you build Japanese market both in Japan and in the US. Yes, there is a Japanese market in the US. The first step is to create a Japanese language website. PSP can make your website bilingual ... or any other language you need. Just is about mutual language website.

Do you need a Japanese website?

At PSPinc, we can help you capture Japanese market by creating stunning Japanese language website. If you need Japanese language website, please talk to PSPinc.

Beef Bowl for Breakfast

This picture I took in Japan makes me hungry. I had this for breakfast in Japan ... about $5.00 ... great deal.

.JP Domain Hosting in Japan

If you live in Japan and need .jp domain and web and email hosting, please consider Alpha-Mail 2 by Otsuka Corporation. This system is developed and hosted buy PSPinc.

High-end Rice Cooker in Japan

Would you spend $500 ~ $1,000 for a rice cooker? Many Japanese people do. Rice Cooker is called "SUIHANKI" すいはんき (炊飯器) in Japanese....

From 100 Yen Shop in Japan

Can you believe you can buy this pair of kitchen scissors for mere 100 yen in Japan. That is less than an US$1.00. Just amazing!!!

Japanese Language Teacher Registration

Thank you for registering as a Japanese language teacher at Japanese-Online. We will be contacting everyone who register to get ready to publish you online.

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