
Made in Japan

My calculator is 35 years old. It needs new batteries so I ordered them from Amazon today. They well get here in few days. I really like this calculator and I see no reason to replace it. Things that are made in Japan back in 80s' were very well made and are MADE IN JAPAN. That means something ... a lot to me.

What people like from Japan.

When I travel to Japan ... I bring back some things from Japan. This is what I brought back last time. Can you tell what they are?

Japanese Language Teachers !!!

If you are Japanese language teaching professional, please contact me with your Home Page URL, YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and other social media site. Japanese-Online would love to hear from you. Please reply to this blog. It's Okay to self promote yourself.

Wabi-Sabi Japanese Design

Wabi-Sabi In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. Japanese do not really admire perfection ... The idea is that nothing in the universe ie perfect, therefor you should not look for perfection. So when you design things, you leave something to make sure it is not perfect. The picture above is a gate at Nikko called You...

腹筋女子 "Fukkin-Joshi," or Six-Pack-Women

"Fukkin-Joshi," or Six-Pack-Women is a term that's becoming popular in Japan. We meet trainer and model AYA, who's inspiring women to sculpt their bodies and toughen their minds.

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