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When was the last time you visited Jaoanes-Online.com? Do you have any request?
Owning, Buying, Selling guns in Japan are strictly regulated and prohibited by laws in Japan. But what are they going to do when guns can be made using 3D Printer? Of cause they will try to regulate it ... but how? You cannot regulate gangs.
Fall / Autumn is a season for fresh Sanma (Pacific Saury). Many westerners have hard time eating fish with the head. You don't eat the head (actually some do). Sanma is one of the most fastest fishes for grilling.
The event will be open to the public on Saturday, October 6 with tons of fun activities! :D Share this poster with your friends and come to join this year's Japan Week!
When you go to a public park in anywhere in Japan, you see people picking up trashes. They are not paid by the city or traffic violators doing community service. They are just people living around the park cleaning up. Those people are not asked to clean the park, street and surroundings. They just do it because they want to. I do not see that in anbwherelse. This is one of the many things I like ...
Intersting video.
I drank a milk tea that is completely clear. It is made in Japan and tastes and smells like milk tea but it is completely clear. What is the point? Other than the fact that it is quite amazing, there is no point.
Shinjuku Golden Gai (新宿ゴールデン街) is a small area of Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. It is famous both as an area of architectural interest and for its nightlife
When the last train leaves the station, city becomes very quiet in most places. But there are places in Tokyo that is non stop all night ... until the first train arrives. Night time is still safe to walk around in Tokyo. You might want to wonder around Tokyo after midnight to see what's going on. I found it fascination especially when I cannot sleep from the time lag.
Most facilities like public baths, hot springs, swimming pools in Japan prohibits people from entering when you have a tattoo ... even a tattoo is very small. If the tattoo is small, you can buy a bandage to cover it up. Tattoo is considered as a sign of you belonging to a gang or Yakuza. It is not illegal to tell people to leave if they have even a single tattoo in Japan.