1. 日本の医療制度の基本
2. 短期滞在 (観光・短期出張など) の場合
- 海外旅行保険の加入
- クレジットカード付帯保険の確認
- 自由診療の注意点
日本の公的医療保険に未加入の場合、診察や治療にかかる費用は全額自己負担 (100%) となります。
3. 長期滞在 (留学・仕事・永住など) の場合
(1) 健康保険 (社会保険)
- 対象:企業に雇用されている方 (正社員・契約社員など)
- 加入方法:勤務先の会社が手続きを行います。
- 特徴:保険料は給与から天引きされ、医療費の自己負担は30%となります。
(2) 国民健康保険 (国保)
- 対象:健康保険に加入しない方 (自営業・留学生・フリーランスなど)
- 加入方法:住んでいる市区町村の役所で申請を行います。
- 特徴:保険料は所得に応じて変動し、自己負担額は30%となります。
4. 外国人の方が受診できる病院
- 外国語対応の病院
- 国際医療センター
- オンライン診療
5. 緊急時の対応
- 救急車 (119番)
- 外国人向けの医療相談窓口
- 東京外国人医療相談窓口 (03-5285-8181)
- 大阪府外国人情報コーナー (06-6941-2297)
- AMDA国際医療情報センター (03-6233-9266)
6. 医療費補助制度について
- 短期滞在の場合 → 海外旅行保険に加入することを推奨
- 長期滞在の場合 → 公的医療保険 (健康保険または国民健康保険) に加入が必要
- 外国語対応の病院や国際医療センターを活用
- 緊急時は119へ連絡、各地の外国人向け医療相談窓口を活用
1. 日本の医療制度の基本
2. 短期滞在 (観光・短期出張など) の場合
- 海外旅行保険の加入
- クレジットカード付帯保険の確認
- 自由診療の注意点
日本の公的医療保険に未加入の場合、診察や治療にかかる費用は全額自己負担 (100%) となります。
3. 長期滞在 (留学・仕事・永住など) の場合
(1) 健康保険 (社会保険)
- 対象:企業に雇用されている方 (正社員・契約社員など)
- 加入方法:勤務先の会社が手続きを行います。
- 特徴:保険料は給与から天引きされ、医療費の自己負担は30%となります。
(2) 国民健康保険 (国保)
- 対象:健康保険に加入しない方 (自営業・留学生・フリーランスなど)
- 加入方法:住んでいる市区町村の役所で申請を行います。
- 特徴:保険料は所得に応じて変動し、自己負担額は30%となります。
4. 外国人の方が受診できる病院
- 外国語対応の病院
- 国際医療センター
- オンライン診療
5. 緊急時の対応
- 救急車 (119番)
- 外国人向けの医療相談窓口
- 東京外国人医療相談窓口 (03-5285-8181)
- 大阪府外国人情報コーナー (06-6941-2297)
- AMDA国際医療情報センター (03-6233-9266)
6. 医療費補助制度について
- 短期滞在の場合 → 海外旅行保険に加入することを推奨
- 長期滞在の場合 → 公的医療保険 (健康保険または国民健康保険) に加入が必要
- 外国語対応の病院や国際医療センターを活用
- 緊急時は119へ連絡、各地の外国人向け医療相談窓口を活用
Healthcare System Available to Foreigners in Japan
In this article, we will introduce the healthcare system that foreigners in Japan can access.
1. Basic Overview of Japan’s Healthcare System
Japan has a universal health insurance system, meaning everyone has to enroll in a public health insurance plan. If foreigners meet certain conditions, they can also join them.
Japan has a universal health insurance system, meaning everyone has to enroll in a public health insurance plan. If foreigners meet certain conditions, they can also join them.
2. For Short-Term Stays (Tourism, Short Business Trips, etc.)
If staying temporarily, foreigners cannot join Japan’s public health insurance. Therefore, the following options are recommended:
If staying temporarily, foreigners cannot join Japan’s public health insurance. Therefore, the following options are recommended:
- Enroll in Overseas Travel Insurance
Since medical expenses in Japan can be quite high sometimes, enrolling in travel insurance before your trip may help provide peace of mind.
Since medical expenses in Japan can be quite high sometimes, enrolling in travel insurance before your trip may help provide peace of mind.
- Check if Your Credit Card Offers Insurance
Some credit cards offer insurance that covers medical costs abroad, so it's a good idea to check this in advance.
Some credit cards offer insurance that covers medical costs abroad, so it's a good idea to check this in advance.
- Note on Self-Paid Medical Treatment
If not enrolled in Japan’s public health insurance, people must pay for 100% of all consultation and treatment costs.
If not enrolled in Japan’s public health insurance, people must pay for 100% of all consultation and treatment costs.
3. For Long-Term Stays (Study, Work, Permanent Residency, etc.)
Foreigners staying in Japan for over three months are required to join public health insurance.
Foreigners staying in Japan for over three months are required to join public health insurance.
(1) Health Insurance (Social Insurance)
- Eligible: Company employees (full-time employees, contract workers, etc.)
- How to join: The employers handle the process.
- Features: Individuals pay for 30% of all medical expenses out of pocket and insurance deducts premiums from their salary.
- Eligible: Company employees (full-time employees, contract workers, etc.)
- How to join: The employers handle the process.
- Features: Individuals pay for 30% of all medical expenses out of pocket and insurance deducts premiums from their salary.
(2) National Health Insurance (National Health Insurance or "Kokuho")
- Eligible: Those not enrolled in health insurance (self-employed, students, freelancers, etc.)
- How to join: Apply at the local municipal office where you live.
- Features: Premiums vary depending on income, and individuals pay for 30% of all medical expenses out of pocket.
- Eligible: Those not enrolled in health insurance (self-employed, students, freelancers, etc.)
- How to join: Apply at the local municipal office where you live.
- Features: Premiums vary depending on income, and individuals pay for 30% of all medical expenses out of pocket.
4. Hospitals Available to Foreigners
Several hospitals and medical institutions in Japan offer services in foreign languages.
Several hospitals and medical institutions in Japan offer services in foreign languages.
- Hospitals with Foreign Language Support
In major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, foreigners can find hospitals that provide English and other language services.
In major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, foreigners can find hospitals that provide English and other language services.
- International Medical Centers
Some hospitals have designated offices for foreigners and offer support in English.
Some hospitals have designated offices for foreigners and offer support in English.
- Online Medical Consultations
The number of services offering online consultations in foreign languages is growing, making it convenient for foreigners.
The number of services offering online consultations in foreign languages is growing, making it convenient for foreigners.
5. Emergency Response
- Ambulance (Dial 119)
Ambulance services in Japan are free of charge, but treatment at the hospital will incur a fee.
Ambulance services in Japan are free of charge, but treatment at the hospital will incur a fee.
- Medical Consultation Hotlines for Foreigners
In case of emergencies or difficulty finding a hospital, you can use the following consultation services:
In case of emergencies or difficulty finding a hospital, you can use the following consultation services:
- Tokyo Foreigners Medical Consultation Hotline (03-5285-8181)
- Osaka Foreigners Information Corner (06-6941-2297)
- AMDA International Medical Information Center (03-6233-9266)
- Osaka Foreigners Information Corner (06-6941-2297)
- AMDA International Medical Information Center (03-6233-9266)
6. Medical Expense Subsidy System
Some municipalities offer medical expense subsidies for international students and individuals with certain residency statuses. Additionally, some schools provide health insurance systems for international students, so please contact the relevant municipal office or educational institution for details.
Some municipalities offer medical expense subsidies for international students and individuals with certain residency statuses. Additionally, some schools provide health insurance systems for international students, so please contact the relevant municipal office or educational institution for details.
- For short-term stays: Enroll in overseas travel insurance as recommended.
- For long-term stays: Enrollment in public health insurance (Health Insurance or National Health Insurance) is required.
- Use hospitals with foreign language support or international medical centers.
- In emergencies, call 119 and use the foreigner-specific medical consultation services.
- For short-term stays: Enroll in overseas travel insurance as recommended.
- For long-term stays: Enrollment in public health insurance (Health Insurance or National Health Insurance) is required.
- Use hospitals with foreign language support or international medical centers.
- In emergencies, call 119 and use the foreigner-specific medical consultation services.
We hope this information helps you choose the appropriate healthcare system in case of an emergency during your stay in Japan.
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