Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 234 日本を訪れる際のマナー(にほんをおとずれるさいのマナー)

Japanese Online...


1. ()(ある)きと(ある)きタバコはやめましょう

2. ゴミを()てない

3. 大声(おおごえ)(はな)さない

4. 公共(こうきょう)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)でのマナー

5. 温泉(おんせん)公共(こうきょう)浴場(よくじょう)でのマナー

6. 飲食店(いんしょくてん)でのマナー

7. 訪問(ほうもん)()のマナー


Manners to Remember When Visiting Japan

Due to the recent yen depreciation, more and more tourists are visiting Japan from overseas. Many adhere to Japanese manners, but unfortunately, there are still some who don’t behave appropriately. So today, I’d like to go over some manners you should be aware of when visiting Japan.

1. Don't eat while walking and don't smoke while walking.

You should avoid eating and drinking while walking, especially in public areas. Instead, you should sit and eat your meal in a designated area and avoid eating while standing. However, you can have drinks (other than alcohol) while walking since it’s important to hydrate frequently, especially during the hot summer months. 

Japanese people also consider smoking while walking as bad manners. If you wish to smoke, please use designated smoking areas.

2. Don’t throw garbage away

Since public trash cans are scarce in Japanese cities, please take your trash back to your house or hotel and dispose of it. In tourist areas, bring a bag to take your trash home as it’s more convenient to do so.

3. Don’t talk loudly

Avoid talking loudly in restaurants and on public transportation (trains, buses, etc.) because Japanese people consider it polite to speak quietly. It’s also common practice to refrain from talking on the phone in public areas. In Japan, they expect people to behave quietly in public gathering places, like libraries.

4. Public Transportation Manners

On trains and buses, they provide priority seating, so they expect people to give up their seats for elderly people, pregnant woman, and people with disabilities. Please refrain from talking on your cell phone while riding and set it to silent mode.

5. Hot Springs and Public Bathhouses Manners

At hot springs and public bathhouses, wash your body before entering the bathtub. It is important to follow rules like not putting towels in the bathtub, not running in the bathhouse, and not talking loudly in the bathhouse. A bathtub is also not a swimming pool, so they prohibit diving into the hot water, with the exception of the water bath in saunas.

6. Manners at Restaurants

Before entering a restaurant, bow lightly and after the workers say, "irasshaimase" (welcome) to you to be polite. During and after the meal, express your gratitude by saying "Gochiso-sama deshita" (thank you for the meal). They also don’t require tipping at restaurants in Japan.

7. Manners when visiting someone's home

When visiting someone's home, always take off your shoes as it’s customary. Remember to line up your shoes at the door. The homeowners will also appreciate it if you bring them a souvenir.

By observing these manners, your stay in Japan will be more comfortable and enjoyable. Please respect Japanese culture and customs and create wonderful memories of your trip.

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