Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 52 年始のご挨拶 (ねんしのごあいさつ)

Japanese Online...

2021 (ねん)(はじ)まり、2 週間以上(しゅうかんいじょう)()ぎました。(みな)さんは何故(なぜ) Japanese-Online ()られているのでしょうか。(いま)11 ()(こく)(のぞ)いてその()(くに)からは日本(にほん)入国(にゅうこく)できません。我々(われわれ)会社(かいしゃ)(はたら)くスタッフも1 年近(ねんちか)(だれ)日本(にほん)()くことができていません。非常(ひじょう)残念(ざんねん)です。



Japanese-Online では、これからも日本(にほん)のことを海外(かいがい)紹介(しょうかい)させていただきます。また、日本(にほん)のことでわからないことがあれば、何時(いつ)でもメールしてください。この(くる)しい時期(じき)、お(たが)いに(たす)()って()()えていきたいと(おも)います。お(からだ)()をつけて今年(ことし)()(とし)になるように頑張(がんば)りましょう。

New Year's Greeting

More than two weeks have passed since the beginning of the year 2021. Why are you all here on Japanese-Online? Right now, except for 11 countries, no one from other countries can go to Japan. None of our staff have been able to go to Japan for almost a year. It is a great pity.

Those of you who are studying Japanese may not have the opportunity to go to Japan right now either. However, when you are able to visit Japan, please do so. Similar to your own country, many people have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus. In particular, people in the travel, tourism, accommodation, and restaurant industries are having a very hard time. If you are able to go to Japan, please go there and support them.

Also, if you are a Japanese reader of this newsletter, please go abroad when the time is right and you have the chance to do so safely. People all over the world have been suffering from this coronavirus. I hope that people in Japan will go abroad so that people overseas can come to Japan to help the recovery process as soon as possible.

We at Japanese-Online will continue to introduce Japan to the rest of the world. Also, if you have any questions about Japan, please feel free to email me. I hope that we can all help each other to overcome this difficult time. Take care of yourself and let's make this year a good one.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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