では「とうきょう」をローマ字で書くと To U Kyo U または To- Kyo- です。東京の場合、「東」を Tou と呼んで「京」を Kyou と呼ぶのですが、簡単にするために Tokyo と書くようにしたようです。同様に「大阪」も正しい発音は「おおさか」(OOSaKa)と最初にO が2つ来るのですが、これも Osaka(おさか)に省略されています。発音は「おおさか」ですから間違えないように。
このように日本語にはローマ字で書くとちょっと変な地名が多くあります。ちょっと考えただけでも Kobe は Koube ですし、Kyoto は Kyouto です。Omiya は Oomiya が正しいことがわかります。Hokkaido も Hokkaidou が正しい発音です。このように地名を表す日本語は多くの場合、OO や OU を O にしています。
Correct pronunciation of Japanese (2)
This is the second Japanese pronunciation lesson. When asked where the capital of Japan is, everyone answers “東京”. If you write “東京” in Roman letters, it will be “Tokyo”. Don't you think this is strange? Tokyo is made up of the two letters To Kyo. Therefore, when you pronounce this romaji, it becomes “tokyo”. Needless to say, “東京” is “とうきょう” and not “ときょ”.
If you write “とうきょう” in Romaji, it is “To-U-Kyo-U” or “To- Kyo-”. In the case of Tokyo, “東” is called “Tou” and “京” is called “Kyou”, but it seems that it was written as Tokyo for the sake of simplicity. Similarly, the correct pronunciation of "大阪" comes with "Osaka" (“OOSaKa”) and two O's at the beginning, but this is also abbreviated to Osaka. The pronunciation is "Osaka" so don't make that mistake.
As you can see, there are many strange location names in Japanese when written in Roman letters. Koube becomes Kobe, and Kyouto becomes Kyuto. Oomiya is written Omiya, and Hokkaidou is spelled Hokkaido. In many cases, “OO” and “OU” are set to a single “O” in Japanese for the names of places.
All things considered, it may be better to learn Japanese in hiragana and katakana instead of romaji.
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