ありがとう [Arigato]
日本語で誰かにお礼を言う時に「ありがとう」という言葉を使います。でも、「ありがとう」という言葉の語源や意味を本当に理解して使っている人は多くありません。特に外国から来られた方は、Thank you は、「ありがとう」という丸暗記をして使っているのではないでしょうか。
When we thank someone in Japanese, we use the word “Arigato”, but not many people know the etymology and meaning of the word. If you are from a foreign country, you learn to use the word “Arigato” as “Thank You” without even realizing what it really means.
It is said that the words "Thank You" began to be used for appreciation during the Edo period. Prior to that, the words "Katajikenai", "Osoreooi" and "Mottainai" were used. These words are not used to describe gratitude, but rather for telling others that they are not worthy of such a thing.
The same goes for “Arigato”. It derives from the words “Ari" and “Gatai”. “Ari” means “Existence” and “Gatai” means “Rare”. Together, they describe something that is very rare and important. You are telling somebody that what they are giving you is very rare and important.
Next time I hear the word "Arigato", I would be happy if I could sense the feeling of gratitude rather than just a thank you.
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