Sake (Japanese: 酒, [sake]), also spelled sake, also referred to as a Japanese rice wine, is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran.
There are Special-designation and they are;
Junmai Daiginjō-shu (純米大吟醸酒, Pure rice, Very Special brew)
Daiginjō-shu (大吟醸酒, Very Special brew)
Junmai Ginjō-shu (純米吟醸酒, Pure rice, Special brew)
Ginjō-shu (吟醸酒, Special brew)
Tokubetsu Junmai-shu (特別純米酒, Special Pure rice)
Tokubetsu Honjōzō-shu (特別本醸造酒, Special Genuine brew)
Junmai-shu (純米酒, Pure rice)
Honjōzō-shu (本醸造酒, Genuine brew)