Moshi Moshi Tanaka Sama no Otakudesuka
もしもし たなかさま の おたくですか
Hello, is this Tanaka's Resident?
Watakushi Kinoshita to Mosuhimau
わたくし きのしたと もうします
My name is Kinoshita
Taro Sama Ha Gozaitaku Desuka
たろうさまは ございたくですか
Is Taro At Home?
Soredeha Shitsurei Itashimasu
それでは しつれい いたします
Thank you and I am hunging up
Hai Hai Hai
はい はい はい
Yes Yes Yes
Ie Ie Douitashimashite
いえいえ どういたしまして
No No You are very welcome
Hai Hai hai Soredeha Mata
はい はい はい それではまた
Yes Yes Yes I will call again
Shitsurei Itashimasu
しつれい いたします
Please forgive my rudeness
It is very dofficult to hang up a phone ... It is considered rude if you hand up a phone from your side. So, to hand up, you try to create an environment that nobody knows who hang up first.
Let's listen.
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